Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Reflection paper about the annishnaabe people Research - 1

Reflection about the annishnaabe people - Research Paper Example Clearly, the residential schools system had a massive effect on the culture of the Anishinabe. While the white Christian faithful saw the system as a way of assimilating them and promoting peaceful coexistence, the school stream eroded the culture of the Anishinabe. The federal policy of residential schools made the engaged Anishinabe unacceptable in their society. They were detached from their system while the federal system did not fully accept them. The federal policy did more harm than good. It was wrong for people who claimed to follow the Christian guidelines to put Anishinabe children forcefully in residential schools and force them to disown their language and cultural practices. The white community of the time showed double standards as they advocated autonomy in their society. In God is Red, Vine Deloria condemns the hypocritical nature of the white people in the society and the government. More so, Deloria sees the religious imposition on the Anishinabe as hypocritical (43 ). These claims are very accurate. It is regrettable that the white people in the residential schools mistreated the Anishinabe children, degraded them and eventually made them lose their cultural identity. Basically, the white people used religion hypocritically to pursue their agenda of dominion over the native people in the region. The Anishinabe’s resistance to residential school was justified. After all, the residential schools only made them lose their identity, face physical and sexual abuse and become physiologically crippled. Though they were overwhelmed due to the superiority of the white Christian settlers, their cause was worthwhile. They could not have experienced relief later on such as the right to conduct their traditional rites if they did not rise against the residential schools. Benton-Banai writes, the clan system of the Anishinabe was instrumental in directing resistance. As a governing body, their actions were entirely

Monday, February 3, 2020

Can Environmental Insurance Succeed Where Others Have Failed Essay

Can Environmental Insurance Succeed Where Others Have Failed - Essay Example The researcher states that there are many protective measures put in place by firms in order to reduce environmental pollution. It ranges from environmental policies, health policies as well as the safety risk policies. However, these protective measures may not be socially efficient. In such cases, these firms have to be liable to the negative externalities developed due to their actions. Such externalities include loss of well-being of people exposed to pollution or those individuals who are not willing to use unhygienic recourses. In such situations, environmental may levy a post-damage fine, directly proportional to the extent of the external damage violated. For smaller firms, this fine may exceed their limited assets, therefore, making the firm declare they are bankrupt and avoid paying the fine altogether. Environmental agencies, therefore, came up with a pre-damage risk management process. In this process, firms will pay smaller fines frequently for not implementing the oblig atory environmental practices. Examples of such management process include Project Safety Management (PSM) programs, Risk Management Program (RMP), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and also Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Since post damage fines are often limited by bankruptcy and, on the other hand, pre-damage process mandates are constrained by monitoring. And, therefore, the best alternative will be to buy the environmental insurance policy. The paper, therefore, researches on mandatory insurance for Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) in order to come up with answers if environmental insurance policy succeeds where the traditional policies failed. Pre-damage fines could have been the best alternative to address the issue of bankruptcy, but the implementation is constrained by regulatory agencies’ narrow monitoring capabilities. Environmental Protection Agency has limited auditors to do facility inspection in order to ascertain whether all firm s have effectively put into practice all the risk management practices.